Current issues
The Latvian Language Agency urges primary school students learning the Latvian language remotely to use the teaching materials we have developed in the remote learning environment — ClassFlow. They are available fr
ee of charge at in the section “Marketplace”. More information on how to find and use the learning materials can be found in the December edition of the Methodology School “Pupa”. Read more
Last weekend, several groups began learning Latvian remotely to acquire the B2 and C1 levels of language proficiency. It is a pleasure to see that a large number of migrants do not want to stop at acquiring an A2 proficiency level, which is necessary to obtain a permanent residence permit, but instead want to learn to freely speak, read and watch films in Latvian.
We hope that by acquiring a C1 proficiency level, language learners will be able to:
- understand long radio and TV programs with almost no effort;
- understand texts on a variety of topics and in a variety of literary styles, including long, factual texts, comments and reports;
- present their thoughts on complex issues in essays, choosing the appropriate style of communication clearly and logically;
- express themselves fluently and spontaneously, be able to argue their opinions, express their thoughts and opinions accurately and clearly.
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The Latvian Language Agency has implemented the sub-activity “Supporting teacher competence development in a linguistically heterogeneous environment” as part of the European Social Fund project “Competence Approach to Curriculum” (agreement No. In order to strengthen the Latvian language skills of general education pre-school and school teachers at the C1 level and to help them gradually achieve the C2 level of proficiency, the project entails courses for the improvement of Latvian language skills for professional purposes (a 120-hour course program).
The LVA invites teachers of minority pre-school educational institutions and pre-school institutions, school teachers and school collectives to apply for these language courses. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the group leaders of these LVA’s courses will only offer remote classes. Please note that you can apply from February 25th.
Both groups of schoolteachers (16 people in one group) and individual teachers can apply for the courses. Read more
The news will delight not only pre-school and primary school students, but also their parents and teachers. The Latvian Language Agency has developed a modern and useful interactive pictorial dictionary full of words and pictures.
The vocabulary included in the dictionary is divided thematically and supplemented with interesting tasks. First, the user must learn a variety of words and then choose a task corresponding to a topic he or she can choose. The students can choose from three different types of tasks:
Name and check! — take a look at a picture, then think of a word (or say it out loud) that corresponds to that picture, click on the picture and check your answer;
Choose a picture! — read a word and select a corresponding picture. If you click on the correct image — the other side of the image will turn green, if what you’ve selected is incorrect, the other side will turn red;
Choose a letter! — take a look at a picture and read the word below it. The task is to study the available letters and find the missing one.
The interactive pictorial dictionary is available for free on the website of the Latvian Language Agency: Read more
The Latvian Language Agency has implemented the sub-activity “Supporting teacher competence development in a linguistically heterogeneous environment” as part of the European Social Fund project “Competence Approach to Curriculum” (agreement No. In order to strengthen the Latvian language skills of general education pre-school and school teachers at the C1 level and to help them gradually achieve the C2 level of proficiency, the project offers courses to those seeking to improve their Latvian language skills for professional purposes (a 120-hour course program).
The LVA invites teachers of minority pre-school educational institutions and pre-school institutions, schoolteachers and school collectives to apply for the above-mentioned Latvian language courses. Due to the restrictions in place to stop the spread of Covid-19, the course leaders will only offer remote classes (if the restrictions are lifted, the classes can be held in person). Please note that you can apply from February 15th.
Both groups of schoolteachers (16 people in one group) and individual teachers can apply for the courses.
Please apply via e-mail, by contacting LVA’s methodologist Ērika Pičukāne
The aim of the project “Learning Latvian language in order to facilitate the integration of third-country nationals into the labour market 3” (No. PMIF/6/2020/3/01) is to ensure that third-country nationals acquire the Latvian language in a modern and diverse way, so they can acquire further education, communicate on a daily basis and satisfy the needs of the local labour market.
The project aims to continue what the previous projects started and organize Latvian language courses for all levels of proficiency, achieving a total of at least 240 third-country attendees. The language courses will be held not only in Riga, but also on a regional level (upon request).
At the end of the course, 100 people will be given the opportunity to take the state language proficiency test free of charge.
The study process will make use of modern learning materials developed by the Latvian Language Agency; all course participants will have access to free materials on the website and its sub-sites. Many of the materials will be adapted for remote learning. Read more
The Latvian Language Agency has published a book full of sweet, witty, fun, and useful words for the little ones. Those who do not yet know how to read themselves can instead become eager listeners.
In this book, words are stringed in poems, comics, fairy tales, riddles and even food recipes. And who’s this? Tuta’s friends Lapsa and Feneks are ready to catch words with you. The schools in the diaspora will receive the book as a gift. For everyone else curious to catch words — the book is currently available for sale only remotely, contacting us at Read more
The task of the December competition was not easy — the participants had to find the right words and use them in a
poem to get a present from Santa Claus. We spoke to Santa Claus and learned that he does not plan to go to the library this year, because the poems you have written is the best reading material he could hope for — he has two poems for every day of the year!
Santa also asked us to tell you that he has never received such wonderful gifts in his entire life!
THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts. May you have a lot of good deeds and beautiful poems ahead of you this year! Read more
On September 26 — the European Day of Languages — the Latvian Language Agency announced its annual artwork
competition for pupils. This year’s topic was “My bookshelf story”.
We have received a very large number of submissions — 1,090 artworks — essays, poems, compositions, and drawings from Latvia and Latvian schools abroad: 658 — literary works, 432 — drawings. As only nine works could be submitted from each school, the actual number of children and young people participating in the competition was larger.
The literary works will be evaluated in 3 groups:
- 1-4th grade of classes — 197 works;
- 5-9th grade of classes — 347 works;
- 10-12th grade of classes — 114 works.
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The Latvian Language Agency has published its FOURTEENTH annual book of pupils’ artworks, which includes fragments and drawings by 422 pupils.
1234 pupils took part in the competition, submitting their drawings from Latvian schools in Latvia and abroad.
The editor of the book is Valdis Rūmnieks.
We will send free copies of this book to all co-authors and their teachers by mail in 2021.
Fragments of these artworks were staged at the Radio Theatre of Latvian Radio 1.
Other books in this series.
You can buy the book in January at the Latvian language agency or in bookstores for 6.67 EUR. Read more